What Consultancy Can I Offer?
I am able to offer consultancy on a range of subjects:
- Healthcare
- Palliative Care
- Personal Health Budgets
- Continuing Healthcare
- Personalised Care
- Patient experience
- Patient involvement
- Co-production
- Social media in the health space
- Social media for the charity sector
- Social media for patient groups and networks
- Youth engagement
- Youth empowerment
- Youth social action
Previous consultancy roles or subjects:
- Improving the support in developing and rolling our Personal Health Budgets
- How to get better feedback engagement from patients
- Developing a hospice-based training service
- Designing research around digital co-production methods
- How to run a Facebook-based focus group
- Co-production within the hospice sector
- Designing a future hospice
- Running an accessible conference
- Young adult palliative care — building the right service
- Empowering young disabled people
- Accessibility for severely disabled people and those with complex illnesses
- Blogging for chronic illness advocacy
- How to manage shielding when you have a life-shortening, complex or life-threatening illness