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Total Reached, New Chair Is Here – Lucy’s Wheelchair Appeal

WE’VE REACHED THE TARGET! Thanks to your donations and a very big donation from a very generous group of people. Thank you so, so, so much, gratitude isn’t strong enough and I cannot say thank you enough – it doesn’t come close to how grateful I am. YOU have helped me achieve this, and now I will go on and do more for others with the help of this chair. 

Here is the chair, which arrived Wednesday – we reached the target just in time! 

I went to the hospital today and was actually comfortable – I’ve never been comfortable in any of my wheelchairs! It was amazing. My pain was half what it usually is when I sit up thanks to the Permobil F5 Corpus that you all so kindly helped me to get.

Seat rise

Thanks again to each and every one of you. Thank you will never be enough. You are giving me quality of life, freedom, enjoyment and are enabling me to do more charity work and help more people. And just to be comfortable when sitting up is a huge breakthrough. 

I will try and take more photos over the coming days and weeks for you all but those of you who are coming to the Tandoori Night (Thursday 1st October, Tandoori Parlour in Thundersley, Essex at 19.00, £15 per ticket which must be bought before the night, indian meal, bar, DJ and prizes to win – go to ) will be able to see it in action. 

My old off roader is for sale but I have an interested party if a few things can be ironed out and I may be getting a new off roader that can meet my needs which is the 4xDL SE by Mybility. It’ll allow off road/all terrain walks, me to do agility and maybe even compete, go up steps, on the beach, all sorts of walks and places will open up and I will be able to get back into photography and do all sorts, maybe even some rally-o (for dog people who know what that is). My Salsa M (power tilt and seat rise, 6mph version) is still for sale for £3000 (4 years old, price I paid for it new was £8000) if anyone’s interested. Thanks to J (Life Changing Outdoor Wheelchairs) and Glenn (Wheelchair Specialists) for helping me adapt the Permobil which we will get started on soon and for showing me the 4xDL SE and helping me with everything generally. 

Thanks again for all your help. 

I recently appeared on BBC Essex which you can listen to here –

And my blog on Scope’s blog as part of their End the Awkward campaign –

And my blog on Health Life Essex –

Thanks again everyone and I cannot tell you how grateful I am. You have given me quality of life and are making a huge difference to my life in more ways than one. Thank you will never be enough. 

With love and a wealth of gratitude, 
Lucy xxxx

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