Friends for Life | Lucy & Molly | Crufts 2014
To vote for Molly and I call 0844 646 0202. Calls cost 5p from a landline and you can vote more than once. All votes will be greatly appreciated. thank you
To vote for Molly and I call 0844 646 0202. Calls cost 5p from a landline and you can vote more than once. All votes will be greatly appreciated. thank you
Today is rare disease day. I have a few rare diseases, so jeans for genes day is very important. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, though the hypermobility type is becoming more common, is considered a rare disease with a prevalence of 1 in…
Here is my video explaining my life with my conditions.I hope you all like it, let me know if you want me to do more videos in the future x
It's been 5 long years and 5 months since I became ill. It's been rough, very rough, and hard to cope at times, but there have been some wonderful things that have resulted from my ill health and the battles…
A few weeks ago I was rushed to hospital with another bowel obstruction. I have them frequently, but most resolve themselves. This one however, didn't. Fifty four hours it took before a surgeon managed to pass a catheter through my…
We hear about collagen everywhere. So what's all the fuss about?What exactly is collagen and why is it so important?Collagen is the single most abundant protein in the body, making up about 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content.…
The one emotion we never seem to get rid of is fear. We're always scared or worried about something. I'm the world's worst worrier, I always have been, but the word has taken on a whole new meaning since I've…
I am well aware that I must sound like I’ve swallowed a medical dictionary and talk in medi-speak (thanks to Stephanie Nimmo for that word!), and not all of you will understand what I’m going on about. I will provide a…
I’ve been meaning to get my blog up and running for a while, I created it a few weeks ago and haven’t written a post yet. I apologise for that. I’ve struggled to write anything legible and remotely interesting due…