I have a bag; a really special, important bag. It isn't Prada, Gucci or Louis Vuitton. It isn't even designer. It comes on prescription, and some people use a new one every day; others every 2-5 days. Know what I'm…
I have a bag; a really special, important bag. It isn't Prada, Gucci or Louis Vuitton. It isn't even designer. It comes on prescription, and some people use a new one every day; others every 2-5 days. Know what I'm…
I am well aware that I must sound like I’ve swallowed a medical dictionary and talk in medi-speak (thanks to Stephanie Nimmo for that word!), and not all of you will understand what I’m going on about. I will provide a…
I’ve been meaning to get my blog up and running for a while, I created it a few weeks ago and haven’t written a post yet. I apologise for that. I’ve struggled to write anything legible and remotely interesting due…